Our journey on planet earth is a constant unearthing of Divine potential. Sometimes the best way to unearth divine potential is by extreme measures or circumstances. So we’re all in good company. All of us are on the same divine potential boat. We must learn certain lessons and embody certain qualities that can only come about through conflict and pain.
Now let’s be frank – when we’re happy, we have no need to go searching for higher truths or knowledge. It is only when pain enters our lives that we feel compelled to heal it or go in search of its meaning. Therefore, pain and suffering have a divine purpose in our lives and the antidote is forgiveness.But the prevalent misconception about forgiveness is that if you forgive the person – you are letting them off the hook. That somehow forgiving them lets them be free and the Gods will smile upon them. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The person who has harmed you has his/her baggage to eventually deal with. What you sow, you reap.
Most times you hold on to the anger because you believe it will punish the other person or make them realize the gravity of their crime. But the person you hate or resent doesn’t feel your hatred or anger and to force your perpetrator of admitting wrong is a waste of time and energy. Many who harm others will not admit or confess any wrongdoing and some of them have no remorse for their actions. Reconciliation with the person in question is a long shot unless the person has enough awareness to know better. Your ability to forgive is not dependent on the other person’s apologies but your ability to rise above it and do it because you believe your life will be better and healthier for it.No matter what they did to you, whether they betrayed you, backstabbed you, abused you, cheated on you, you’re inability to release the hatred imprisons you and robs you of so much. Forgiveness of the person does not imply permission to abuse or hurt you again. Forgiveness is about your own sense of well being and peace. This journey is about your own evolution as a person and as a soul. Once real forgiveness has transpired within you then the person will no longer affect you in any shape or form. You may cross paths with them tomorrow or ten years from now, and you will walk on by with only peace and understanding in your heart.
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© Natasha Dern 2015